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Special Intrest Tours
Photography Tour

Delhi is a city of contrasts. With the history spanning for many centuries and ruled by Hindu, Muslim and British Rulers. One one hand there are old monuments which tell the history of the city and on the other hand there are high rise buildings, There are shopping malls and road side bazars, It is a city of many religions, Hindus, Muslims, Sikhs, Christians, Parsis, Jews.

One can explore and Photograph the city in its different moods in the day time as well as in the night time.

This walk is recommended for guests who want to have the feel of the city in a different perspective. Those who are interested in History as well as see the life of Delhi, its people, daily life, the colourful markets and its monuments.

The walks does not have a fixed itienary and the decision is taken in consultation with the guests as per their interest.

Recommended for both Amatuers and Proffessionals.

Explore a Different Delhi

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